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Debt Collection for ICBS


Credit unions must track loan repayments and identify delinquent loans quickly and reliably in order to quickly start the debt collection process. Millions of dollars in loans and hundreds or thousands of repayments a week are not easy to manage without a computerized system.

For the credit unions using the ICBS system, a system has been developed to quickly identify and track delinquent loans and overdrawn accounts. SMS messages are automatically sent from the system to account owners to notify them of the delinquency.

The following requirements were used in the design and development of the system:

  • Seamless capture of delinquent loans from the ICBS Loans subsystem
  • Scalable and reliable database storage
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Speed optimization for slower segments of the LAN
  • Delinquency history kept on file
  • Delinquent loan tracking
  • Overdrawn accounts
  • Overdrafts
  • Powerful search mechanisms to enable operators on the phone to quickly and easily identify an account based on various criteria

Our software exceeds the requirements mentioned above.

By using predefined PCOMB reports, the ICBS data is easily and quickly transferred into the collection system.

Smart database storage and indexing techniques allow us to find a deliquent loan or an account in arreras in a few seconds, even over a slow speed link.

This feature, combined with the intuitive user interface allows the operator to quickly find the loan they are talking about with the customer on the phone.

Powerful mail merge feature combined with the easy and known interface of Word for Windows enables bulk printing of notification and demand letters without any human delay or error.

Delinquency history and well as all correspondence are kept on file for future reference

A powerful database engine stores the data and enables the use of leading edge query techniques to increase performance over slow links.

How it works

A PCOMB report from the loans subsystem is daily imported into the system. A powerful validation and file recognition process enables the system to only import valid files.

As part of the import process delinquent loans are analysed, outstanding payments are consolidated and the loan is assigned to one of the predefined delinquency cycles. The loans are presented in an intuitive way on the main screen of the application. Filtering by delinquency cycles, dates and members can be done by just a few mouse clicks without leaving the main screen.

As a loan is selected, the entire history and correspondence for that loan are displayed enabling the operator on the phone to discuss various options with the member on the phone.

Each loan can be quickly examined and a decision can be taken and recorded into the system. Usually the decision involves sending the member a certain form of demand or notification letter.

Once all loans have been examined, by clicking a few buttons, a Word for Windows mail merge feature can be invoked to produce all the required letters based on user-defined layouts. The system is so easy to use and so intuitive, saving on expensive training and unnecessary consulting fees.

Backup jobs are scheduled at the back-end, for data security and disaster recovery.

The system has been implemented at the ELCOM credit union on NSW Central Coast and has been in use for a number of years.

We don't write our software, we craft it!



The Collection Manager
empowers ICBS users
with the technology to track
delinquent loans,
overdrawn accounts and
accounts in arrears

Comprehensive and user friendly screens allow the viewing and filtering of account details

SMS Messages can be automatically sent to the account owners to notify them of account issues


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